Our neighbours put their house up for sale (= started khổng lồ advertise that they want to sell it) last week.

Bạn đang xem: On sale nghĩa là gì

the department of a company that organizes và does the selling of the company"s products or services:
a system by which goods are supplied khổng lồ shopsand can be returned if they are not sold within a particular period of time:

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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của khách hàng với English Vocabulary in Use từ haberindunyasi.com.Học những từ bạn cần giao tiếp một bí quyết tự tin.

complete/close a sale When the time came lớn close the sale, another page had been added to lớn the contract.

Xem thêm: Cách Lắp Núm Bình Moyuum Hàn Quốc Cho Bé, Tìm Hiểu Về Bình Sữa Moyuum Hàn Quốc Cho Bé

the number of products sold và the amount of money a company receives from selling its products & services:
the business of selling products or services, or the department in a company that is responsible for selling them:
used to lớn say that the person selling a product or possession does not promise that what they are selling is in good condition or suitable for a particular purpose:
The occupational categories used are: professionals & business executives; clerical và sales workers; farmers and farm labourers; skilled workers; and unskilled workers.
Try though they might, the authorities had no way of banning sales transactions in bad money when bad coins served those transactions well.
If the quotations collected in other studies are not representative of the universe of annuity sales, the results & comparisons may be biased.
The global growth in the sales of certified organic products has increased by an average of 20-25% per year since 19904.
Six of the nine organic winter pear handlers reported export sales, with exports ranging from 5 to 40% of their total pack.
When they were sold, however, these sales bởi not appear lớn have been handled very differently from other sales.
Each new instalment in the series (through volume 7) has equalled or improved upon the sales figures of its predecessor.
At times, sugar sales were the only immediate means of getting money for vital imports, and sugar was sold while still in the field.
All of them stressed that on sales floors, at consumers" doorsteps, in purchasing agents" offices, acting was just as necessary as on the stage.
We distinguish between two types of transmissions : gifts và sales, the dividing line being whether the transaction included a price or not.
In other words, was land freely alienable or were sales mediated by the taravad and/or other social factors?
State officials objected khổng lồ both land sales và squatting as development strategies because they believed that such activities led to lớn land fragmentation and degradation.
The price effect valorised particularly mining production, increasing profit margins and the value of sales abroad.
Particularly in sales charts, the chất lượng of a record is equated with its exchange value, as the ranking depends on the number of items sold.
các quan điểm của những ví dụ cấp thiết hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên haberindunyasi.com haberindunyasi.com hoặc của haberindunyasi.com University Press hay của những nhà cấp cho phép.


Các từ thường xuyên được sử dụng cùng với sale.

I hope that the eventual sale will yield a price substantially above any valuation that is likely to lớn emerge.
The land originally used khổng lồ build the unnamed arena was purchased by the group at a foreclosure sale for $100.



